Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Setting Up a Book Template Part 6

Open the document we've been working on (Genealogy Book) and confirm that the hidden codes are showing. Scroll to page 9.

Changing Headers and Footers on TOC (Pages 9, 10, 11, and 12)
I've talked about headers and footers before. They lurk in the background unseen until you call them up, and then they usually cause trouble!
  • If you double-click above the words Table of Contents, the headers and footers appear.
  • If you double-click below the words Table of Contents (the body), the headers and footers disappear. 
When you have the headers and footers displayed, notice the bubbles that appear too. They provide info on the headers and footer; for example, First Page Header Section 2 and Same as Previous. Each section of your document should have its own section number. I'm going to say that again and again. It's a piece of information that can save your sanity. For the pages making up the TOC (section 2), we going to turn off the Same as Previous because this section is a new section and it isn't the same as the previous section(s) and we want to type information in the headers and footers. If you do that with Same as Previous turned on, Word adds what you type to all previous pages, and you don't want that to happen.

TOC Pages Header and Footer Layout

The page on which you type Table of Contents shouldn't have a header and it doesn't so all is right with the template. However, the page should have a footer. The next three pages should have headers and footers.

For these instructions, we going to put:
  • the title of the book in the header on an even numbered page and flush to the left margin
  • the title of the section (chapter name later on) in the header on an odd numbered page and flush to the right margin
  • the page numbers should appear in the footers on the outside edges of the pages where they are easy for your reader to see them

Adding Footer (Page 9)
  1. Display the headers and footers.
    Shortcut: Double-click above the words Table of Contents.  
  2. Look at the header above the words Table of Contents. The First Page Header (Section 2) is set to Same as Previous, which is what you want. 
  3. Scroll down to the footer. It says First Page Footer Section 2 and is set to Same as Previous. You want to break it so that it is no longer Same As Previous.
Remove Same As Previous from Footer
Click in the footer area.
In Word 2003, on the View menu, click Header and Footer, and then click Link to Previous.
In Word 2007 or 2010, notice that you've had a new tab turn up with the title Header & Footer Tools Design. Click the tab, locate the Navigation Group, and click the highlighted Link to Previous.

Insert a Page Number in the Footer
See Numbering Pages for details. You want the page number at the bottom right of the page because the page is an odd numbered page (9). Also, you want to use Roman numerals starting with i to distinguish the TOC from the remainder of your document. A ten page TOC is not all that unusual so distinguishing it is a service to your reader. 

For Word 2003, you will need to click in front of the number and press the Tab key to move the page number so that it is flush right. 

Format the Page Number
After you have the number in place, highlight it and format the page number.
In Word 2003, click Insert, and then select Format Page Numbers.
In Word 2007 or 2010, click the Insert tab and locate the Header & Footer group. Click Page Number drop-down arrow. A menu appears. Click Format Page Numbers

  1. In Number format, select Roman numerals from the drop-down list.
  2. In Page number, click Start at, accept the default of i, and then click OK
  3. Delete the extra empty return in the footer. Click in front of the empty return and click the Back Space key.
  4. Check the tab stops for the Footer style...they will be off because we added a gutter for binding. 
  5. Make a global change to the footer style to get the tab stops you want. See To Tab or Not to Tab for details. In my document, I'm clearing all tab stops, and then setting one right aligned tab stop at 6.0 inches with an alignment of right. 

Adding Header and Footer (Page 10)
    1. Scroll to the header on page even page.
    2. Remove Same As Previous from header. 
    3. Type the title of the book (McKee Family Tree).
    4. Scroll to footer area on page even page.
    5. Insert a page number (ii). Since this is an even number page, the page number is flush left. 
    6. Delete the empty return in the footer. Click in front of the empty return and click the Back Space key.
    Adding Header and Footer (Page 11)
      1. Scroll to the header on page odd page.
      2. Remove Same As Previous from header. 
      3. Type the title of the section (Table of Contents).
      4. Make a global change to the header style to get the tab stops you want. See To Tab or Not to Tab for details. In my document, I'm clearing all tab stops, and then setting one right aligned tab stop at 6.0 inches with an alignment of right.
      5. Click before Table of Contents and press the Tab key once to move the text flush right. 
      6. Scroll to footer area on page odd page.
      7. Remove Same As Previous from header. 
      8. Insert a page number (iii). Since this is an even number page, the page number is flush left. 
      9. Delete the empty return in the footer. Click in front of the empty return and click the Back Space key.
      Adding Header and Footer (Page 12)
      Since this page is an even numbered page, it already has the proper header and footer, which it is inheriting from page 10. If you double click in the body of the page (close the header and footer) and add a few pages of empty returns, you'll find that the headers and footers (notice the page number) inherits from even page or odd page set up as appropriate.

      Starting a New Section (Page 13)
      1. Click four or five lines down from the top of page 12 (iv).
      2. Add a Next Page section break.
        --In Word 2003, click Insert on the menu bar, and then select Break. The Break dialog appears. Under Sections break types, select Next Page.
        In Word 2007/2010, click Page Layout, and in the Page Setup Group, select Breaks. The Break dialog appears. Under Sections Breaks, select Next Page.
      Your header disappears because this is the beginning of a new section (Introduction). The Introduction is also four pages with headers and footers; however, the section title changes from Table of Contents to Introduction and the page number changes from Roman to Arabic. So the next post will cover pages 13, 14, 15, 16...or if you're following in the footers, 1, 2, 3, 4. I'll probably post on Friday to give you some time to digest all of these instructions. In the meantime, post a comment or email me ( if you have questions.

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